Rebecca Kanfer
Rebecca Kanfer is a professional artist working out of her Long Island City art studio. She has worked on landscape based oil and watercolor paintings for over 15 years. Born in Burlington, Vermont she now lives in NYC and works in the landscape architecture profession. Rebecca has exhibited in galleries in NYC & France.
Her works seek to evoke a sense of quiet & serenity, and capture the intimate connection to landscapes, through use of color, line-quality, day-light, & sense of movement or stillness.
Rebecca's landscape scenes cover a spectrum from urban New York to the country side of Tuscany. In each are lyrical moments which speak to life and human connection to the natural world. The inclusion of trees signifies a duration of time and fundamental connection of all landscapes.
Email: rebecca.kanfer@gmail.com
Website 1: rebeccakanfer.org
Website 2: abingdonsquarepainters.com

Branches IV Watercolor painting 24in x 24in (2019)

Parallel Lines Watercolor painting 18in x 12in (2019)

Through the Trees Oil painting 18in x 18in (2019)

Winter Beech Forest Oil painting 18in x 18in (2018)

Magic Carpet Watercolor painting 16in x 16in (2018)

My Wish Watercolor painting 18in x 12in (2018)