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[Click on individual image for more information]

Map of Sandy DP Palette, 2020
Artist: Monique Allain
Medium: Digital Drawing
Dimensions: 9 x 9" (suggested print dimensions)
Price: Electronic image provided free by email upon request
You are invited to a dialogue by participating in the PALETTES WITH OTHERS project.
Download these Palette Maps (, fill electronically with colors, or print, and create your own palette. The compositions will be particular and unique, and will reflects pictorially your identity. Color pencils, sharpies, or various types of ink can be used.
The images of the palettes colored and sent back to me by email ( - subject: palettes) or instagram will be published on my site.
Thank you for being part of this project!
It reflects the search for dialogue alternatives in moments of physical social isolation.
Instagram: @moniqueallain
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