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Ken Jones

Ken Jones is a self-taught freelance photographer originally from Ireland who now lives and works out of Astoria, New York. While in Ireland inspiration was also easily found. His hometown of Arklow, which is surrounded by green hills and rolling fields, sits on the estuary of the Avoca River overlooking the Irish Sea. This inspiration can be clearly seen in his early landscape work. Particularly in one of Ken's personal favourite projects, "A Place of Thought" series which was designed with the intention to make the viewer stop, think and use his/her imagination. Since moving to New York, you can see that he has absorbed the city and it's surroundings. Architecture, Subways, and Central Park all feature prominently in his work.






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Address: LIC-A Art Space - The Factory, Suite 105a, 30-30 47th Ave, Long Island City, NY

Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm

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LIC Artists, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts advocacy organization founded by artists and incorporated in 1986 in Long Island City.
© 2023 Long Island City Artists.  All images are property of individual artists. Questions:

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