Preston Trombly
For a number of years I worked as a composer, performer and conductor. Those experiences influence and enrich my current work in the visual arts.
All of my work reflects my responses to the experiences of contemporary life, and to the actual materials with which I work.
In these recentpaintings I have combined elements of drawing and painting together. Each work maintains the essential fluidity of drawing, while utilizing the mass and volume available in painting to capture the fleeting temporal moments of motion and energy of life, and the art-making experience itself.
"Yellow Over the Blues" - 2016. 24" x 18" - Acrylics, graphite and oilstick on watercolor paper
"Out of Round" - 2016. 24" x 18" - Acrylics, oilstick, graphite on watercolor paper
"Black and he Blues" - 2016. 18" x 24" - Acrylics, inks and oilstick on archival paper
"Yellow jacket" - 2016 18" x 24" - Acrylics, inks, oilstick on printmaking paper
"Blossoming" - 2016. 24" x 18" - Acrylics, oilstick and graphite on watercolor paper.
"Banjo for George" - 2016. 24" x 18" - Acrylics, oilstick and graphite on archival paper.