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Peter Tews


Proud New Yorker & Queens resident since 1981...

From Long Island City thru Astoria, Woodside, Bayside, Ridgewood, Glendale & Oakland Gardens...

Where did the Time go ?
Most of my works are abstractive, figurative and colorful. As a painter I work with canvas and acrylics, the Heart, by the way; in TewsArt represents: Sensuality, Hope, Perseverance, Suffering, Stability, Unity, Trust and Innocence.
“The Earth without Art is just: “Eh” ;-)
...unknown and anonymous
TewsArt is Original
It’s one of a kind
It is different
It is persuasive
It is simple yet creative



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Address: LIC-A Art Space - The Factory, Suite 105a, 30-30 47th Ave, Long Island City, NY

Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm

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LIC Artists, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts advocacy organization founded by artists and incorporated in 1986 in Long Island City.
© 2023 Long Island City Artists.  All images are property of individual artists. Questions:

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