Natalia Koren Kropf
I am committed to creating work that radiates positive vibes and deep contemplation. My artistic aspiration, rooted in respect for Nature and Human beings, is often expressed in abstract form. I also explore abstract concepts of consciousness such as beliefs and lifestyles, past and present, in figurative works.
I work in series or rather interdisciplinary collections that are cohesive to show together. I love experimenting with materials and mixing the media in 2D and 3D works as I adapt to environmentally clean techniques, utilizing non-toxic materials.
I believe in the interconnectedness of all things. In my work, I link the qualities of the natural elements with various cultural symbols and draw visual parallels of these correlations, using organic shapes.

acrylic, chine colle on canvas. 36" x 48", 2022

Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 36", 2023.

Monotype, 12" x 12", 2020.

Monotype, 12" x 12", 2020.

Bronze, 18" x 20" x16", 2020

Bronze, patina, 20" x 18"x 6", 2022