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Marco Caratelli

The process in which I have been trained is based on the manual for artists that was published by the fifteenth century Italian painter Cennino Cennini. His widely used book, ll libro dell’arte was published in 1437 and became a manual and informative source of knowledge for contemporary artists of the time. In his book, for example, he describes in invaluable detail the process of the egg tempera, which until then was unknown. The transference of knowledge from one generation of artists to another was what Cennino Cennini probably envisioned in the 15th century when he wrote his book. Today I continue this great tradition. I did two solo exhibitions in Manhattan at Ward-Nasse Gallery, a show in Jackson Hole (with WRJ Design and TCCGroup) and two pieces of art to the S.Paul Church of SF.


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LIC Artists, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts advocacy organization founded by artists and incorporated in 1986 in Long Island City.
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