Clarissa Fortier
My most recent paintings depict the landscape as a space where contrasts intersect and accumulate. I am interested in the juxtaposition between areas of chaos and rest, vast space colliding with dense and tangled forms. Repeating rhythms and shapes create a continuity in nature that suddenly empty into the blue space above the horizon. Walking through the landscape overwhelms my senses and painting is the way I make sense of the spaces I inhabit. The onslaught of images and sensations I experience in the world are reflected in the surface of my paintings.
The subject of my paintings are the mountains surrounding Telluride and desert areas of southwest Colorado and eastern Utah. Each painting pays homage to a place that is dear and sacred to me.

2017 oil on canvas 36 x 36 inches

2017 oil on canvas 36 x 36 inches

2017 oil on canvas 12 x 18 inches

2016 acrylic on paper 29.5 x 42 inches

2017 oil on canvas, 24 x 36 inches

2016 acrylic on paper 29.5 x 42 inches