Brooke Lambert
My work is made up of pieces of dreams and different environments within the same world. When making my collagraph, I think about the ocean - floating shadows you see submerged underneath a wave, the red tinge behind your eyelids while lifting your face to the sun, the pattern of a honeycomb or a fishing net… shapes, forms, textures and color in nature.
My primary medium is collagraph because I am drawn to the sculptural qualities and rich range of color I can achieve in this way of working. They are a journey to make and inspired also by the music I listen to, what happened during the time I painted them, relationships, feelings, and light during the different times of the day. In my work, I want to encapsulate emotions and space.
Email: brookelambertartist@gmail.com
Website : www.brookelambertartist.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brookelambertartist
Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/brookelambertprintmaker

collagraph w/ gouache, 24"x36" 2021

collagraph w/ gouache, 24"x36" 2021

collagraph w/ gouache, 36"x24" 2021

collagraph w/ gouache, 24"x36" 2021

collagraph w/ gouache, 10"x8" 2021

collagraph w/ gouache, 10"x8" 2021